CHARACTER OBJECTIVES – What does each character want? 

The seven students don’t know what is the real purpose of the party, so they want to escape from the party. 
The principal wants to find out the truth and punish the students with the expulsion before let his post. 
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers want to keep their jobs but without success. 
The taxi driver only wants to do his job. 
The two policemen want to clear the situation. 
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SCENE BREAKDOWN – Where? When? What happens? 

With some shouts of victory after win the Football Match some students receive a text message with an invitation to an AFTER-MATCH PARTY in the Indians Fraternity House. A taxi driver will be outside the camp.  
Except two of them that decline the invitation in name of two mates, the other five accept. 
The invitation comes from the Principal mail address so nobody suspects. 
The taxi driver carries first Anthony, General Macarthur and Miss Emily Brent. Then he returns and drives Mr. Armstrong, Detective Blore, Philip Lombard and Vera Claythorne. 
Once at the House, they are welcoming by the caretaker and the dinner-lady at the living room. They will be the servants at the party.  
There is no signal of the principal but, another student appears during the party, nobody knows him but he knows everybody. 
Something else is important to bear in mind; all of them notice Ten Little Indians Figures on the mantelpiece. 
The music stars and the canapés follow; everything is as it should be. 
Then, the music stops and a recording sounds: a voice from a man accused the students one by one of cheating in the access exam to the University.  
All of them begin to be nervous but the recording continues warning them not to try to get out of the house if they want to be safe.  
Then, a well-known nursery rhyme stars:  

Ten little Indians standing in a line 
One FELL DOWN then there were nine 

Nine little Indians haven't long to wait 
One got SLEPT and then there were eight 

Eight little Indians trying NOT TO GET REDDEN 
One GOT IT and then there were seven 

Goodnight, goodnight 
Goodnight, goodnight 
Goodnight, goodnight 

Seven little Indians playing pickup sticks 
One POKED HIMSELF and then there were six 

Six little Indians running to ARRIVE 
One GOT LOST and then there were five 

Five little Indians KNOCKING on the door 
One got OUT and then there were four 

Goodnight, goodnight 
Goodnight, goodnight 
Goodnight, goodnight 

Four little Indians hiding in a tree 
One BROKE HIS KNEE and then there were three 

Three little Indians not much left to do 
One left for SPAIN and then there were two 

Two little Indians playing with a GUM 
One GULPED IT and then there was one. 

Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight 
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight 

One little Indian nothing to be done 
He went AND CALLED HIS MUM and then there were none. 

Suddenly lights switch off and the first student fell down unconscious. 
The panic is out of control, nobody knows what happen and the Ten Little figures are now nine.  
The student in the floor was the new student who nobody knows. The caretaker asks for help and carry him to one of the rooms. 
